Environmental assets


The Buritis Brooks Nature Reserve has almost 15,000 tons of CO² distributed in the different phytophysiognomies of the Reserve. While the typical cerrado has about 100 tons of CO² per hectare, the gallery forest with its dense forest formation reaches more than 400 tons of CO² per hectare. This carbon is present in the aboveground biomass (such as trunks and leaves) and underground biomass (roots) of the different Cerrado physiognomic forms. It is interesting to note that the aboveground biomass in the typical Cerrado is almost three times larger than the aboveground biomass (hence the term 'upside down forest', often used for the Cerrado).

Restoration activities in the RNVB will continue to increase the carbon stock (carbon sequestration), at a rate of about 315 tons/year. In 15 years, it is expected that almost 5,000 tons of additional CO² will have been sequestered.


The inventory of water resources in the Buritis Brooks is still in progress. However, we already know that BB has one water source, preserved under tall buritis trees and a closed gallery forest. Reports from local people speak of other mines, unfortunately now no longer active.

The Reserve has three water beds, one of which (in which the above mine is located), is perennial. The other two are not perennial. This totals 2.64 KMs of waterbed divided as follows:

  • 920 meters, in the waterbed east of BB, which serves as the boundary between Mirador de Santana and Baixa do Sucupira

  • 1 KM on the eastern part of the Buritis Island, part of which remains perennial

  • 720 meters on the west side of Buritis Island.

The Reserve has more than 12% of its total area (>10 hectares) in Brooks, of high importance for the recharge of local water sources.


The area of the Buritis Brooks is inserted in the Pouso Alto Environmental Protection Area, neighboring the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, and follows a corridor with several neighboring RPPNs. It is an area of high biodiversity value, inserted in one of the centers of endemism and species diversity in the central area of the Cerrado biome.

The biodiversity of the flora of the BB is spectacular. The forest inventory catalogued 130 tree species in the different phytophysiognomies of the BB. There is high beta diversity (floristic and structural dissimilarity) between savanna and forest formations in the BB (cerrado sensu stricto and gallery forest) with abrupt changes in tree species composition and density.

Several plants for human use have been catalogued in the RNVB such as Caryocar spp. (Pequi), Hancornia speciosa (Mangaba), Anacardium occidentale (Cajuí), Pouteria ramiflora (Grão-de-galo, Maçaranduba), Byrsonima crassifolia (Murici-de-galinha), Byrsonima coccolobifolia (Murici-de-galinha), Annona coriacea (Araticum), Salacia elliptica (Bacupari) and Hymenaea stigonocarpa (Jatobá-do-cerrado). Vanilla from the Cerrado has also been catalogued in the area.

Pharmacological species include: Favela (Dimarphandra mollies), Barbatimão (Stryphnodendron astringens) and Lafoensia pacari (Mangabeira-brava, Pacari) from the cerrado stricto sensu areas, and Copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii), Micuíba (Virola urbaniana) and Amescla (Protium spruceanum) typical of riparian formations.

The biodiversity of the shrub and grass flora has not yet been catalogued.

The fauna is also very rich. 10 species of large mammals have been sighted in the RNVB (see fauna section below), more than 50% of which are threatened with extinction and on the IUCN Red List (e.g. giant anteater, puma and maned wolf). Certainly several other mammals have the RNVB as their habitat.

Regarding the avifauna, BB has not yet conducted its inventory. In the RPPN Vale das Araras, neighboring to BB, almost 200 bird species have already been recorded in the Bird Platform, which indicates the high richness in avifauna in BB. In addition, several IUCN Red List avifauna species are found in the municipality of Cavalcante such as the black grouse (Alectrurus tricolor), the field flycatcher (Culicivora caudacuta) the black-faced blackbird (Coryphaspiza melanotis), the gray-tailed godwit (Sporophila cinnamomea), and the black-billed toucan (Ramphastos culminatus).

Herpetofauna and invertebrates have not yet been catalogued.

Buritis Brooks zoning

Buritis Island

Flat area, Cerrado stricto sensu, some areas with highly compacted and exposed soil (former cattle 'threshers').

Lower Sucupira

Cerrado stricto sensu in most part. The upper part has well preserved native vegetation, in Cerrado rupestre. In its middle, there is a typical dense Cerrado, almost Cerradão. The lower part has humid clean fields, with waterlogged soils, and the presence of exotic grasses.

Santana's Viewpoint

Rupestrian fields and Cerrado stricto sensu on shallow soils with native vegetation.

Gallery Forest

Presence of the majestic buriti and other rainforest species, including epiphytes such as the Cerrado vanilla orchid.

Who We Are

André Aquino


Daniel Ferreira


Eduardo Rodrigues


Emílio Kalunga

Nature producer